George Faull, Former President and Founder of Summit Theological Seminary in Peru, Indiana, will be with us October 25 to present a very important leadership mini-seminar during both Bible School and Worship. This powerful seminar will benefit everyone, not just those in leadership positions.
Brother Faull has attended six Resident Colleges in 5 states and has earned the degrees of B.S.L., B.Th., M.A.Th., and Rel. D. He has started 5 new churches in 5 states.
He has held ministries in 6 states but has ministered the last 55 years and established churches in Indiana. His ministries in established churches average is 7 years. He has preached in over 135 churches in Indiana alone but also in 42 states.
He has been editor of the Christian Guest and later the Gospel Unashamed for over 41 years. He has published several commentaries and had articles in 15 different journals.
He has been asked to speak at all major brotherhood events but declined some because he did not feel qualified to address the subjects he was assigned to address.
In 1974 he started a correspondence school called “Treaty Institute for Evangelism”. In 4 years it grew to 13,000 students. When his wife divorced him, it was given to American Rehabilitation Ministries (ARM) in Joplin, MO. Joe Garman now calls it “American Bible Academy” and sent out over 200,000 courses to its students.
In 1984 he founded Summit Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN. It moved to Peru, IN and added the Summit School of Preaching resident school in 2012. These two schools train hundreds of students to be faithful teachers of the Word. Courses are sent free to missionaries to start their own Bible schools abroad.
Brother Faull has supported his ministries for the last 55 years selling Life Insurance and Annuities to his brothers and sisters in Christ.
To listen to many of his sermons or watch his videos at key brotherhood events, Google, “George L. Faull”, or access his Voices of Victory catalog of his own writings, audio and video’s. The catalog is free for the asking or you may access it off of Summit’s website at